Welcome to the PV080 course.

This page contains homework assignments, some of which are interactive, as well as interactive services and documentation used during the seminars.


Go to /docs/ for documentation on functions used during the seminars.

Homework assignments


Two services that are used during various seminars currently run on this server.

Messaging service

The messaging service at /msg/ allows students and tutors to send and receive messages.

Challenge-response service

The Challenge-response service runs a basic challenge-response protocol and issues certificates based on the xlogin of a student.


Each student of PV080 can login on this server with credentials found in the Information System notebook (poznamkový blok) Server credentials. These credentials also contain an authentication token. This can be used to authenticate requests to the server API, for example while solving an interactive homework assignment. Simply add the token value as query parameter of the URL when making a request, such as: https://pv080.fi.muni.cz/hwxx/some_path?token=1234567890 when requesting the /hwxx/some_path with token value 1234567890.